Announcing Monthly Updates

Please review the list of the software updates we have implemented over the last month. All of these updates are live in our system now.

Our enhancements include:

  • A standard notification platform to notify the user in the user interface of significant updates
  • Notify the user when a contact opens or clicks emails sent from PAS via the new notification platform detailed here

The bugs we fixed include:

  • Displaying only “Showing” vs. “Showing Agent” in schedule showing emails
  • Red x icon in the Contacts grid and Activities grid not deleting
  • Documents not uploading
  • Clicking the checkbox in a modal did not update the selection
  • Emails go in Queued state and are not being sent
  • Invalid URL error when trying to send a bulk email to contacts
  • No way to attach document(s) to listings
  • Re-appearance of Dashboard button in top-level menu

Watch out for more enhancements coming soon…

  • CRM Pro – Scheduling outbound emails
  • CRM Pro – Sending and receiving SMS texts to contacts

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